
Posted 2M ago by @BuffTwister55

My jade lost its leaves and died at the stem. It’s from a...

Last watered 2 months ago
Awww bummer!
Looks like it might be in too large of a pot.
I would pull it out, cut away and dead roots, and repot into a pot about the same size as the roots or a touch bigger. It also will want sandy/fast draining soil. I've had the best luck mixing cactus soil with bonsai soil 50/50.
Once you have it potted up, I would put it under a grow light.
If you have any leaves left, I would also maybe try propagating them just in case!
I would add to @1WetMyPlants said that the pot needs to be with drainage.
Before repotting, sprinkle roots with cinnamon spice.
After repotting (in dry soil), do not water for 3 days, then water till you see droplets coming from the drainage hole. Do not put the plant pot on any saucer.
Put the plant in bright doppled Sun. Wait for recovery.
Next watering only when top 2" of soil is completely dry. Check with your finger.
Good luck.