
Posted 4M ago by @NeatChamisa81

My parkour palm has some lightening and browning on the l...

6” pot
Last watered 4 months ago
Mine does that when it gets hit by the sun's rays. Further, I bring it inside when night temps are starting to drop below 50Β°F. It has also had leaves like your photo when it needs water. HOWEVER... my best guess is sun damage. 2nd would be cold temps. No matter, it will do better when you decide on which condition affected yours. Best of everything. Always reply as to what you did to help. All of us can learn. #parlourpalm #plantsmakepeoplehappy
Hi Sar, it says you have it in a pot with no drainage, so my first bit of advice is to repot, or put some holes in the pot it is in. These plants need Peat Moss based soil and good draining pot. I would also recommend a pot that is 2 inches larger than what it’s in. Best temps are between 65-75 degrees. They are considered a low light plant, but do best with bright filtered light.