
Posted 1M ago by @PeppyLichen50

Leaves browning. Should i change the fertilizer or water ...

12ft to light, indirect
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Could we see a close up of the leaves? Especially the browning ones?
Green and healthy for the most part. Some leaves are dry and browning on the ends like this
@PeppyLichen50 I’m having that problem as well on one of my peace lily plants. I’d love to know the answer as well
Peace Lily’s don’t live up to their name. They’re sassy and istg if you take your eyes off them they die. I’d cut back on the water a little bit and it will droop when it’s thirsty. That’s how I water my nerve plant and peace lily. Once they have a fit I drown them thoroughly and a few hours later they’re happy again. Could also be a lighting issue but it’s unlikely if it’s as far from light as you say.
My peace lily started getting that way when the temperature dropped. These plants are super fussy. They like humidity so a plate or tray of pebbles with some water underneath it or a regular misting might help. They also don’t like drafts and enough indirect light. You could cut down the brown if it’s bothering you but just don’t cut into the green. I attached a photo of mine because it seems to finally be happy in its current placement.