
Posted 2M ago by @FreshEyelashcup

Does anyone know what these white clumps are?

0ft to light, indirect
Last watered 4 months ago
Oh No! πŸ˜₯ It looks like mealy bugs. You will need to treat it asap and treat and other plants near it!
This is what I have done in the past taken from my instagram page @sunflowershannons I hope it helps!
thank you!! i’m going out of town in a few hoursβ€” do you think it can wait a week? or will things get worse in that time? i don’t have any other houseplants so it shouldn’t spread
It will definitely get worse and since prayer plants in general are quite finicky you may lose her if you can’t treat her now at at least stick her under the sink with a strong flow of water to wash away as many as possible if you have some peroxide laying around in your bathroom you can mix one part peroxide to 3 parts water and rinse her down with that, plus the soil so water runs out of the bottom. The peroxide will give you a good start and hopefully save your plant since your leaving.