
Posted 1M ago by @LushHaworthia15

Money tree leaf loosing colour

One of the leaves on my money tree is starting to turn colour. Wondered what it might be? The rest of the plant looks healthy although growth has slowed down a lot, but guess that happens during the winter. I read about the rubber band and have removed this too. Any ideas? #MoneyTree
Last watered 2 months ago
@LushHaworthia15 If the rest of the plant looks healthy, it could just be normal leaf shedding. I’d keep an eye on it and not do anything drastic. MIn the meantime, make sure the soil is drying out before you water πŸ’šπŸ‘πŸ»
My money tree loses old leaves all the time. As long as it's just one or even a part of the bundle of 5 leaves I don't worry as long as there is growth and everything else looks fine.
Tara is right. Although the lower branches tend to drop away when your plant is growing taller. Also, over watering could cause this. Mine was losing several. Cut back on the water and she perked right up. Now I can't get her to stop growing!
Make sure there is no rubber band holding the trunks together if it is braided. The rubber band is used by nurseries to hold the trees together during transport. As they grow they squeeze the trunks and will eventually cause your tree to die. So if you have not looked already take it out of the pot and cut it off it will be under the soil hidden. Most of these WILL have one.
@debbiedo Thanks, I’ll hold off on watering until the soil dries out.
@Tisforthistle this one’s in a bundle of 3 leaves! Thanks, good to know this is common as this will be first big leaf I lose. Everything else looks fine.
@YokeKeylimetree thanks, I’ll cut back on the watering, be patient and wait until mine grows as tall and healthy as yours ☺️
Since you all ready removed the rubber band than I agree it is likely being watered too much and needs to dry out.

I also see I think a radiator behind the tree. I think that’s what you call them anyway and they put off cold or hot air. That could be your issue if it is plugged in and running. As these grow in warm climates they won’t appreciated sudden drops or rises in temp. And they will certainly let you know it.

If it’s never running your good otherwise I would move it away from that. And they do like to dry out completely between waterings and need some fertilizer to remain healthy.
@SuperbRaspfern Thanks Shannon. No, the radiator isn’t on so all good. Good spot πŸ˜‰ I’ll leave the plant to dry out and hopefully that helps.
@SuperbRaspfern does that apply to the twisty-ties on braided trunks? (Or lucky bamboo, etc…)?
I’m NOT an expert, but as long as you’re seeing new growth it’s probably safe to pluck those leaves off. It’s sad, but your β€œHarry” will absolutely reward you for caring for him πŸ’š
@WildNorth Yes, that applies to all trees that are fastened together as they grow they will start cutting into the trunks. You can leave the twisty ties on if needed but make sure to periodically loosen them up as your plant grows. Otherwise it will eventually damage your trees and or other plants.
@SuperbRaspfern thank you!!
@WildNorth You are very welcome! ❀️