
Posted 1M ago by @cmartinezf

What should I do? #FishbonePrayerPlant

Hi! I have a fishbone prayer plant with blooms, I thought that they were new leaves at the beginning. Has anyone had any advice on what to do with them? It will die after? Should I cut them?
2ft to light, indirect
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 days ago
Best Answer
It’s up to you whether or not you want to cut them off.

I will let you know that although they do not harm your plant. Prayer plants do lose some leaves when flowering. So if you have a nice full plant with a lot of leaves, enjoy those flowers. If your plant is sparse and does not have much foliage then cut them off.

Blooming takes a lot of energy from the plant. πŸͺ΄ So, when in bloom (and keep in mind this period can last several months) your plant will produce very few and often times no leaves.

I usually cut mine off πŸ’•
Never cut them unless it’s hurting the plant.. my red prayer just bloomed her 1st flower today
@DrGreen Thank you! I read that it could die after blooming. And congratulations with your new blooming
@cmartinezf plant flowers doesn’t last long anyway it’s ok if they die
Thank you, I think that is thick enough to let some of the the leaf go brown!