
Posted 1M ago by @megaloid

What is this white leaf?

Noticed this on my rubber plant. I gently lifted it to see the underside and it fell off immediately. Is it sick?
Should I keep the leaf? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜… #RubberPlant #ChlorophyllMoreLikeChloroempty
1ft to light, direct
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 6 days ago
I have a couple ficus plants and this looks like the sheath that’s around the new baby leaf until it starts to unfurl. Nothing to worry about. Peel it off and throw it away. 😊
@VerdantFlora great! Thanks 😊
If a leaf produces too much chlorophyll it dies off . No worries just remove it.
I usually leave the sheath there until it falls off. Nothing to worry about