
Posted 1M ago by @ToMuchPlants

I had to cut off both of my moonstones because it was ove...

4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
@ToMuchPlants HI πŸ‘‹πŸ», so glad you were able to save it at this point. For the single leaves, place the tips slightly in some moist succulent soil. The other two pieces can be placed on top of the soil as well. Water as needed and you should get these rooting in no time.
@ToMuchPlants I've placed each individual leaf on top of moist soil or perlite and left them alone either under a grow light or outside in the sun but since it's winter a grow light might be best. I'm a visual person so I attached a video for you. πŸ˜πŸ’š
@YammieOf3 @princesspitstop thanks for your advices i really appreciate your help!
@ToMuchPlants @plantswithkrystal on YouTube has so many videos. Go check her out! I've learned so much from her. πŸ’šπŸͺ΄
Try to propagate, I’ve had the same problem but the over watering my my doingπŸ˜“ I’m still in the process buts it easy