
Posted 7M ago by @shiro

One of the leaves on my plant has withered, what should I...

7” pot with drainage
Last watered 5 months ago
Best Answer
Cut it off so the plant doesn’t waste energy trying to revive it.
I clip mine at the base of the leaf that's turning. Keep them spoiling the rest of the plant
@MorePlants13 thanks for your reply, is it normal? Wondering if I did sth wrong :( btw, where should I cut at?
Some times it can be the soil. Or not enough or too much watering
@Planthouse thanks!
Sometimes brown leaves like that just mean they are old. Out with the old in with the new is sometimes a must. Definitely cut as close to the base of leaf/stem of plant as you can without affecting the stem. And maybe it needs to be watered a little@more often. I’ve found this winter I’ve had to water some of my plants more often but decrease the amount each time. The heat in the house has cause a change in the way I needed to water. You could experiment with that if you feel your watering may be off. Do you have a soil moisture meter? If you don’t consider getting one. It can tell you how wet the soil is down where the roots are. That could help you decide what you need to do with the watering. Just my suggestion.