
Posted 2M ago by @BigWesternpoppy

I’m not a plant person! I want to be. Help! I tried water...

2ft to light, indirect
Last watered 2 months ago
Hi! They will like less water for sure. But looking at the plant card, if it’s in a pot with no drainage holes… that’s gonna be it. All plants must have drainage holes. Otherwise water will sit at the bottom of the pot and rot the roots, which is why parts of the plant look yellow and soggy. I would repot it in another pot (same size is fine!) with dry soil and then leave it alone for a good week. Depending on how warm/dry your home is where it sits, it probably needs water once every 10-14 days. πŸŒ±β˜€οΈβ€οΈ
Hello! I noticed your information states the pot has no drainage. Always put Jade plants in pots with drainage holes. Make sure you test the soil before watering. Jade plants do not have to be watered a lot but do not let them dry completely. I have a different type of Jade plant but they look similar. My plant loves lots of light. I have it outside under a covered porch for the spring and summer, and it has done very well. @BigWesternpoppy