My Marble Pothos is struggling. Any advice?
Has started getting a lot of sudden yellowing and browning. Is this overwatering? I did try one of those globe watering things in it. Have also tried a grow light recently on it because sunlight has been so short all winter.

1ft to light, direct

9β pot with drainage

Last watered 5 days ago
@AssiduousLoquat if itβs been a sudden turn could be the result of too much or too high of light exposure so the leaves are burning under the grow light. That combined with the fact it may drying out and need more water could be a good place to start. I would be cutting back on the strength and amount of time under the light and see how it does. Pothos are generally lower light plants so I would say 4-6 hours under a medium to medium/low grow light max a day would be okay. It could also be itβs not getting enough water. Globes are okay but they donβt soak the soil all the way through to the roots or allow the excess water to drain out which could potentially cause root rot.
@FreeTukauki wow, I hadnβt considered that it could be bugs. Good catch! I wasnβt aware pothos could get aphids. I thought they were more prone to mealy bugs and scale so thank you for your post because I love learning new stuff. Although, I have to say, I am very sorry about your plant and hope she recovers.πͺ΄