
Posted 1M ago by @RefinedPeanut

My Peace has pretty much died! I think I have over watere...

3ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
@RefinedPeanut hi! Is this a current picture? Are the leaves still green or are the crispy? Is the soil wet or dry now?
Hi there !! @RefinedPeanut I vaugly remember Shakira popping up a few weeks ago!! How is the light situation? I think we might need brighter light. Then the roots! Check for any rot or mushiness, foul odor. Any signs of pests or disease damage? Rust color, webbing, small white specs, etc. best of luck!! I’m sure we’ll diagnose and get a care plan into action for Shakira!! :)🀩✨🌱
@nellz4estfairyz Hi! How can I post a current picture? I have the updated ones on my timeline.
@RefinedPeanut you can attach a picture to a comment.
@RefinedPeanut the picture that shows up on your plant card doesn’t look to awful. Some the the leaves look a little droopy.
@RefinedPeanut to the left of β€œreply” press the blue button and u can use camera or photo album to post pics
@RefinedPeanut, mine looked just like that... until I put her in water. I cleaned ALL the soil off her roots and put her in LECA. She is doing great!! No more sad droopy leaves. I also have her in the window in my kitchen.