Any ideas on how to stop cats from eating the leaves? My ...
5β pot without drainage
Last watered 2 years ago
@Shanjh @Plantlover_1 can you both post recent pics? If they are in direct light that will cause the leaves to turn brown. They like bright to indirect sunlight.
@Shanjh if you see you cat chewing on it, I would spritz them with a water bottle. @sarahsalith had a issue with her cat knocking over a plant either yesterday or today.
@angelikam I have never heard of that stuff. I hope it works for them.
@angelikam thank you going to try this. They donβt mess with my other plants only the ones that are grass texture.
@Plantlover_1 mine does the same! Out of all the plants I have he only wants the grassy ones or big leaves
@angelikam great, will give this a go! Thank you!
@KikisOasis Iβve had other plants and have spritzed the cats but it doesnβt work, Iβd have to stand there all day lol!
@AloeveYou yep, same here!