
Posted 1Y ago by @KeenBegonia

Need advice on my succulent!

I bought this succulent a few weeks ago, and repotted him about a week ago. Hes been slowly losing leaves since a few days after i got him. What do you guys think he needs?

The coloring on this guy is so cool, I'm really hoping i can keep him alive!
He is in a glass container with rocks at the bottom. I've watered him once with a rather small amount of water.
1ft to light, direct
3” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 year ago
Best Answer
@KeenBegonia I have these and they need lots of light and a pot with superb drainage. What kind of soil did you pit it in? I recommend a blend of Sandy soil and a 60% volcanic stone amendment to help the water flow through the medium. Any soil that retains moisture will cause severe damage to your plant. Right now, repot it in just the terra cotta pot with a fast draining soil mix for succulents that is dry and refrain from watering for about a month. They don’t like having wet feet so you have to allow it to undo it’s water storage before watering again. If one month is too long, wait until it starts to brighten its variegated color and give it some water. This one is more like the Aurora Borealis which needs to be kept on the dryer side to maintain its color. Best of luck! 🌿
I would recommend a pot with drainage and use a potting soil especially made for succulents.
Thanks so much!