
Posted 5M ago by @Minthe

My mint is dying and I don't know why

The baby leaves are getting brown. :(
I've been watering her correctly and she has enough light from my balcony. I changed the soil too, what could it be? ( If it's a pest I don't have any pesticide and I'm scared to use one ) #mint #planttherapy #newplantmom #mintcryingicrytoo #mojitomint
Do you have any pictures? Also, for better visibility, it's better to add a hashtag (e.g. #mint #notsohappyplants) to your post, otherwise it might not get seen by the right people. You can do this retroactively via edit button.
@MusicalRedmint it's night rn, maybe tomorrow. Thanks for the advice I'll do it and hope for the best
Great. With the added hashtags, it will get seen tomorrow by the right people. Greg only features posts with hashtags on the fyp, which means the others get lost after a short while. You will not be able to add any photos via edit, just so you are aware. You will need to either create a whole new post, or add them beneath in a comment. Good night and good luck with your plant 😴
@MusicalRedmint thank you, I'll try my best to heal my bebe 😮‍💨🌱
@Minthe How long have you had it growing ? Mint is a annual that grows in a season and returns next year . Has it flowered yet ? If so this would mean it’s towards the end of its growing season . You could try cutting it back flush with the surface . If you have a lot of sun it might come back . Sorry I don’t have better news . Good luck 🍀
@ILoveMyPlants I don't know my grandparents gave it to me, it was healthy but I think that they planted half of it in dirt? I took the dirt out and there is a white stem I'm gonna cry :')
Your mint may be bolting. It’s going to go to sleep and spread seeds. It should come back the next growing season.
Hmm, is this the mint that tastes like mint chocolate when eaten? If it is, I better ask my dad what he does (he often takes care of the plants outside and mint is one of them)
@Catplantaddict @AnthuriumQueen @MusicalRedmint @ILoveMyPlants Good morning y'all 🌄 I just got a pic of my plant, pls don't laugh
@Catplantaddict I don't even kno what type of mint it is , they all look the same thing 😭 I haven't eaten it... Yet.
@AnthuriumQueen oh idk I don't see any flowers...
SO SAD AWW. The chocolate mint doesn't have flowers, and the stem is often a brown color, so I think this is normal mint. Try giving it care and love and it'll probably grow.
@Minthe nothing to laugh about. Plants become near and dear to us. It looks like the soil was too rich and the pot may have been too large. Mint also has a growing season. Always check for pests. They can go unseen until it’s too late.
@Catplantaddict hihihi idk what it is, when it was a bush it looked like a spearmint but now I'm completely confused
@AnthuriumQueen I see... It was a bush and it started getting brown and I think I found why. My grandparents gave it to me and they planted it way to deep. Half mint was in the soil. Thank you all for your help, I'll take really good care of it now !! 🫶🏻🌿