
Posted 1M ago by @MeekKittenears

Flowering Dracaena?

#Dracaena Has anyones Dracaena flowered? I’ve had this plant for +5 years and it has never flowered but recently started developing white aromatic flowers. Is this normal?
2ft to light, direct
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Wow are you lucky! Look at that! Congratulations! You are definitely treating your plant right!!
@MeekKittenears WOAH! Congratulations! That's very cool! Normal? No, it's a rare occurrence. I've heard that they do this but have never actually seen it. Yay for you!!! 😁
You are now my dracena hero. I thought they were unicorns πŸ¦„ πŸ˜‚ that's amazing! (Now spill your secrets! ☺️)
@MeekKittenears @SteffyHazPlants @AC73LoveCats I'm dying over here! I just want to smell it!!!
@princesspitstop Me too! I read they are known for their wonderful scent!
I've never been more jealous 😭
They're beautiful
A co-worker in f mine was given one by me at it bloomed. It was beautiful . Just like yours. Good job!