
Posted 2M ago by @SirStretchberry

Soft ghost plant

I propagated this little fella a while ago, and he is now in his teeny meenie pot of his own growing. The parent plant is pretty sturdy and has another similar graft to its soil. But what’s with this one, why do the leaves look wrinkly and their texture so soft and fragile to touch? #GhostPlant #SucculentLove #SucculentSquad
Last watered 2 months ago
Best Answer
Well, when I look at it, it looks thirsty really. If it has roots now, you can water it. It's small still so I assume the root system is still small so, I wouldn't water it too much but, the wrinkly leaves make it look thirsty. The card says you watered 3 days ago so, it might take time to plump back up. Good luck with your cuttings, I hope they turn out great.
Hey @SirStretchberry did you let the bit where you cut it dry out first? I have made the mistake of not doing it and found that it didn't like it.

The other one is has it rooted it maybe that its not quite got the roots so it is drawing water from the leaves.
@TheLonelyDaff I did not propagate the plant using the leaf, i cut out the whole top portion where new branches came through as the mother is a leggy plant and it looked weird.

Both the cuttings were identical - had no roots when i planted them but this one seems to have roots now - photo attached (so strange 😭)
the bottom one is its sibling
@SirStretchberry you still need to let the cut callus over with stem cuttings. But also some cuttings just dont take its as much art as science and more magic.
I agree with @FairyFly. This little baby looks like it is drying out. That most likely is the reason for the wrinkles. I have found with tiny props like that in small pots need more frequent monitoring and watering. I water mine every 4 to 6 days, depending on the dryness of the soil. Then they grow nice and strong. Luna baby is 1 year old sorted from 1 leaf.
A lot of the times when you chop & prop it’ll use the water the bottom leaves have & grow roots, if it in fact has roots go ahead & give it a good drink! My opinion, it looks thirsty like @FairyFly said. As long as the roots & stem look healthy obviously.. after you water it, next day or so the leaves will plump up & you should see the difference! Water it again when it starts to look like this ☺️
Oh & keep an eye on the mother plant, last one I chopped has like 8 babies on it πŸ₯Ή
@Artistic_Stoner Yes mine too!! After chopping they’re surprisingly x5 pups I never expected and I’m so excited for them! your pups look like a joy, hope they grow big and healthy
@FairyFly Thank you! I don’t really update my cards - so I’m not sure where the app got it from but thank you! I was wondering what fix could I do , now that I havent let it callous long before when I planted it.

Just gave it a little taste of water and waiting for them to prop back up! Is the pot size ok of do I need to size up?
that’s the size currently
@Stall54Jo Your plants look gorgeous!
@SirStretchberry no problem I'm happy to help. The pot looks fine to me, unless it grows like BOOM πŸ’₯ you won't have to upgrade for a little while. I'm not sure your location but, I would caution against getting the leaves wet unless you know for certain that they will dry in a timely manner. The leaves and stems are pretty susceptible to rot. It looks great though and I'm sure you will do great as well. It's exciting when a prop is successful, great job!
@SirStretchberry Thank you, I hope yours grows big & healthy too!! You’ll have to post the mother some day ☺️ now I am eyeballing two more I want to prune, going to wait till spring so I don’t mess them up with the cold. Good luck friend πŸ’š
@FairyFly perfecto ty! It’s summer here in melbourne so the water dried in a few hours and the leaves are now all plump and rocking :)
@Artistic_Stoner that’s the mother - she is pretty leggy as she suffered a year of low light conditions but no more! she got cuties coming from top and the bottom ;’)
@SirStretchberry oh my goodness! Keep the gorgeous queen mother as long as you can! You can get so many babies from her.
@SirStretchberry oh my look at that !! Love the little trellis she’s tied to, that’s a freaking great idea for a stretched one.. never thought of that, makes it look like it’s supposed to do that. Thanks for sharing, the babies look incredibly healthy & happy !
Too true @Artistic_Stoner! An idea for the future. You're helping us while we're helping you @SirStretchberry lol
@FairyFly @Artistic_Stoner Honestly, the trellis was a bit of an accident! I had no idea what plant I was growing as this was when i had barely any interest in them and left it neglected in a corner with no light. It wasn’t until I saw it growing tall & mistook it for a creeper of some sort!
@SirStretchberry as Bob Ross would say, β€œ what a happy little accident β€œ 😁 @FairyFly you’re taking notes too right ?? πŸ˜…
@Artistic_Stoner of course I am. You're absolutely right, the trellis makes it look intentional and I love the idea! Don't always have to chop and prop. I see a post of an etiolated friend now that I'm gonna suggest they do this if they don't want to behead. Thank you @SirStretchberry
@FairyFly Great idea, was thinking the same cause I thought I might do that to one I have, but why the heck not offer that as an alternative to not propping ?!
@FairyFly @Artistic_Stoner I’m so glad my little trellis accident is inspiring to you! happy to be of help and also thank you both for the kind words
@SirStretchberry oh absolutely, our pleasure, gotta give credit where it’s due! Happy growing friend, keep us updated on those babies☺️
Yes! What @Artistic_Stoner said!
@Artistic_Stoner Surely :)
Hi all, @Artistic_Stoner @FairyFly - I might have messed up - The parent is thriving but the pup i planted is always deprived of water no mater how much I give it. I think partly it is neglect. Do I just plant it back into the parent’s soil??? It is really difficult for me to get this one as healthy as the mother and their watering schedules are currently same
it looks way worse than before 😭
@SirStretchberry I have a crinkle leaf that I propped the same way as you did, & months later it still is struggling to fill up its leaves.. if both the mother and baby are on the same watering schedule, you can plant it in the same pot. But before you do that maybe try bottom watering for a couple of hours? I know it sounds scary, but if the soil dries out in no more than 2 to 3 days, you should be clear of any type of root or stem rot. What you are experiencing is normal, I have found that with propagations like that, they take time to establish and fill out! But maybe the baby being on the same schedule as the mother is what could be a problem? newly rooting propagations will need more water to develop their roots. Otherwise they will suck the bottom leaves of themselves up to help. How often are you currently watering?
@SirStretchberry I agree with @Artistic_Stoner. It will take time and might not be pretty for a while. Smaller root systems seem to require less water more frequently if that makes sense. BTW, sorry it took so long to reply, I didn't see the notification.
@Artistic_Stoner I have bottom watered it now and it looks much better! one of the leaves is defintey gone i reckon but this is helping. Maybe I will do this once in a week and see how I go - I watered it once in two weeks before, the mother actually once in a month. The water didnt dry out fully however when i did bottom water but a lot of it has been absorbed. Didnt want to overdo so I moved the container now
@FairyFly that’s all good :) Ty both !
@SirStretchberry oh yay!! It does look more filled out ☺️ agreed with @FairyFly less water more frequently! There ya go, yeah try doing a deep bottom watering in a week to see how it does. Just like I said to refrain from root/stem rot make sure the pot dries out in a couple days, if you don’t see progress to drying, I usually throw mine in front of a small fan for a couple hours! Keep us updated πŸ€—
@Artistic_Stoner ah perfect ty yes I’m@keeping an eye on it now
@Artistic_Stoner @FairyFly Update on the baby! She is growing bigger and steonger with my new care routine thank you all so much
Woo!! πŸ™ŒπŸŽ‰!! Excellent work @SirStretchberry. πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ You're a natural.
@SirStretchberry Oh my goodness I am SO happy to see this lil guys progress πŸ₯Ή I’m going through a sad family matter & I can’t tell you the smile this brought to my heart, as little as it is.. thank you so much for updating, I can’t wait to see this guy after spring. It looks so happy & thriving, thanks for trusting us 🀍
@Artistic_Stoner I’m sorry regarding what you’re dealing with but I’m really happy to know that the plant kiddo brought a smile to your face :) I should be thanking you instead! Greg gang are my heros and my plant’s heros!
@SirStretchberry Thank you kindly for your words, the plant kiddos bounce back makes me proud & at this rate it’ll be as big as the mother here soon! This app is great, & the people in it are incredible ☺️ #PlantPeopleAreTheBestPeople