
Posted 1M ago by @TycoonHogpeanut

New leaf turn yellow?

1ft to light, indirect
9” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 days ago
@TycoonHogpeanut Hi Andreina. Sometimes this happens with new leaves unfortunately. Just keep a watchful eye on it. If it continues to get worse just snip it off.
@TycoonHogpeanut I have one that did the same thing, so I just baby it and now look at it. It’s getting healthy.i agree with @YammieOf3 just keep an eye on it
Usually yellow leaves are an indication of too much water. And a fungal infection. Can you check the roots for any rot? If any are mushy trim them off and repot in fresh soil. And I his can also lead to a pest problem. So spraying with neem oil could help it. You can use the products from #WetheWild . They are excellent! And welcome to the #GregFam #GreggersSupportingGreggers #MonsteraMob πŸ¦‹πŸŒ»πŸŒΈπŸžπŸͺ΄
I would cut it off to encourage a new growth!