My plant is browning on some of the leaves what can I do ...
My prayer plant has been having some of her leaves turn brown on the ends. She is inside in indirect light and have been making sure to water her when the app tells me but I have noticed her soil will be a little dry by the time I water her the next time. Should I be making sure that the soil is always moist?
3ft to light, indirect
5β pot with drainage
Last watered 21 hours ago
Hello, Sarah! The number one browner of these plants is lack of humidity. In most cases, the soil needs to stay evenly moist and not dry out all the way.
Many of these plants will brown on the tips when they done have enough water. Many will brown on the edges when there's not enough humidity and many will brown in the middle of the leaves if there's not enough sunlight.
It's a beautiful plant. When you get the hang of its watering needs, it will push out new leaves and the old, browning leaves will be a distant memory. (:
I'm glad you found Greg!
Many of these plants will brown on the tips when they done have enough water. Many will brown on the edges when there's not enough humidity and many will brown in the middle of the leaves if there's not enough sunlight.
It's a beautiful plant. When you get the hang of its watering needs, it will push out new leaves and the old, browning leaves will be a distant memory. (:
I'm glad you found Greg!