
Posted 2Y ago by @Hypsie

Why did Trader Joe’s fail me?

I broke rules. I didn’t check the roots until after my trip. When I came home, all the little flowers had shriveled πŸ˜”. This is what I found strangling the roots. This stuff was tough. I also gave her new soil. Do you think Laverne will recover? 🀞πŸ₯Ί
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 years ago
I think it'll be okay. 🀞 It's in great care now!!
I’m sorry! There are great deals to by had at TJ’s but they are no good at watering. I constantly have issues too. But they will refund. I had a mini monstera that looke great until it got home and I realized there is root rot and the whole plant was lost. But they gave me a return on the purchase.
Fish water works wonders
@Gotaleaf it’s what I mainly use!!
@Hypsie I agree, it will be ok, your great with plants. πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸŒ±πŸ’šπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
@Gotaleaf @Jilliebeanstalk I need to borrow a fish!
@KikiGoldblatt Aw you’re so sweet! πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
I got an echeveria from the Sill that had its roots wrapped in this stuff. Any clue why they do that?
@FreshWidow Really good question! Maybe to prevent growth before the plant is purchased so they don’t outgrow the pot??
@Gotaleaf with poop? I have some gold fishes and I change their water everyday after they breath all the oxygen out of the tank, is it actually good for plant?
@UpbeatCapemay fish water is the bestest!!!! An air stone will add O2 if that helps. I just added goldfish to my male guppy tank and all hell broke loose health wise. Ughhh what a mistake, I knew better. There are 2 left and everyone is healthy again.