
Posted 1M ago by @Sweetcheeks03

My Winston is sick help!

I don’t know what these white spots are and how to get rid of them! Thank you for your help!
Last watered 3 weeks ago
Best Answer
Can't say for sure without a closer pic, but it looks like it could be mealy bugs. If so you can remove them with a Q-tips and alcohol and either bathe your leaves in a Neem oil/dish soap bath or spray till dripping with insecticidal soap.
Hey Cassandra πŸ‘‹ I'm with Luna @luvlilu if you can add a couple of closer/ brighter pictures that would be fantastic!... But it really does look like mealies I'm afraid! And Luna's advice is exactly what I would say... You CAN blast them off with a showerhead or wipe them off but they're really sneaky and good at hiding!

Make sure Warren spraying your plant down to really get into the nooks and crannies... Like where the petiole meets the main stem of your plant, that's the kind of place they hide! Xx
It should be easy on a large leafed plant like that to get rid of. πŸ‘