
Posted 3w ago by @SacredBluebugle

Only had her a few days. She’s starting to get brown spot...

1ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Here’s the spots:
Following post as I have same problem with mine. Mine also have some leaves that have a muddled look with whitish color.
@Macgirl That really looks like Phytophthora infection it’s fungal. You see the yellow surrounding the spots?

Fungus is generally cause on parkour palms by misting. So if you’re misting her stop doing that because it leads to infections like these.

Overwatering can also cause it but it is usually caused by misting.

She will need treated, I would first remove the worst affected fronds to make treatment easier and help prevent it from spreading, it will spread through the spores.

What is interesting with this particular fungus is is usually lives in soil and plants get infected that way. They absorb it through their roots.

So I am quite curious if you know what brand of soil it is planted in or if it is the soil it came with?

Either way plant and soil must be treated thoroughly. The costly way is a fungicide treatment and soil flush.

The cheaper way that I would do it for mine that is equally effective is diluted peroxide.

For all of the foliage you will mix 1 part peroxide mixed with 8 parts water πŸ’¦. Spray this mixture all over your plants leaves, stems, leaf undersides don’t miss anything.

Following that mix 1 part peroxide with 3 parts water and flush the soil thoroughly so the mix drains out the bottom, do this twice you don’t want to miss anything!

It will sizzle and pop that’s normal it’s just the peroxide killing off the fungus doing its job.

Also, these palms are not very needy they don’t need any extra humidity and I just water mine when it’s nearly dry.
@SuperbRaspfern thank you so much! I bought her from a plant shop online and she only arrived a week and a half ago so was already like this unfortunately. I don’t know the history of the soil or how they watered, but likely misting from what you’ve described