
Posted 2M ago by @UncommonMizuna

My echeveria is okay?

A month ago I got a echeveria from a grocery store, she was very purple on her leaves and laying flat, when I brought her home she started standing her leaves up and something long was growing very fast out her middle so I looked up why and it said she was trying to reach for light so I put her closer to my window, a while later she has sunburn and it’s bad πŸ˜…, so I’m like ok but why is she still standing up she should have definitely got enough light, so I look it up again, apparently she is supposed to stand up and it’s when they lay flat they’re trying to get more surface area to get light. This is my first echeveria, I don’t know what to believe 😭 #Echeveria #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
Best Answer
What a journey! I’ll break it down for you:

-Leaves laying flat or even facing downward means the plant is trying to get more light. It’s increasing the surface area to take in more light.

-You didn’t acclimate the plant slowly and carefully, that’s why it burned very badly. Echeverias need a TON of super bright light, but you still need to be super duper careful with introducing the light or else it’ll burn like that

-The leaves β€œstanding up” or the plant looking like it’s closing means it is getting plenty of bright light. It’s reducing its surface area to not take in too much light.

-The long thing that was growing out of it was likely a flower stalk. They will grow flower stalks when they’re receiving a lot of light.

With all that said, introduce the plant to the light way slower, but definitely make sure to give it all that good light since it showed signs of being excited for it lol.
@itsjordan thank you!! So basically she was doing perfectly fine then I just went to throw her off a cliff lol. This is what the thing growing out of her looked like, I cut it off to propagate it
@UncommonMizuna Haha, hey it happens! The panic sets in and wham, everything goes wrong. My first succulent lived a very short life like that πŸ˜‚

Also that was indeed a flower stalk. I believe it is sometimes possible to propagate the stalk, but not really intended.
@itsjordan ohh ok!! Will it grow back on the main one? I thought I was supposed to cut it
@UncommonMizuna If the right conditions are met again it’ll flower. Cutting it was totally fine! Probably best you did so it could focus on adjusting to its environment rather than focus on opening the flowers up.
You can let it flower or cut it, I like seeing the flowers so I let mine flower, but not everyone wants it to. Echeveria flowers are super cute.
@itsjordan okay!! Thank you!
@itsjordan gave you wonderful information. Trial and error my friend, you have become wiser and more experienced! I'm sure your little plant baby will thrive.