
Posted 2Y ago by @Iheartorchids

Healthy coconut orchid

I got this coconut orchid a few months ago. I have never had this type of orchid. Can anyone give any advice on if it look healthy or if I need to do anything differently? It is still in the same pot and soil from when I purchased it. Any advice would be appreciated!
4” pot
Last watered 1 day ago
I think it looks good. I would move it in the spring to an orchid pot about an inch larger and make sure to use a good orchid mix soil. Also make sure it has good drainage and isn’t standing in water
@SportyLilac thank you! That was my plan but I was afraid it may need something else. I’m hoping it will bloom soon .
Check your light. Mine are blooming in a South facing window right now, but they seem to love a east facing window year round