
Posted 1Y ago by @KDkat3

I managed to not kill my frizzle!

Any suggestion on non dormant watering? I got this guy during the summer so I basically never watered him except for a little every month or 2 but today I noticed he’s sprouting so he’s no longer dormant!! Suggestions/advice on their growth season please. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #FrizzleSizzle #SucculentSquad
0ft to light, direct
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
I guess I have the same thing, Not sure but when the top inch is dry, I give it some water
No advice just want to say it’s so cool
So cute! πŸ₯° mines potted with some other baby succ’s so I water about every 2 weeks. Mine had lost its leaves as well and just started growing back too.