
Posted 1M ago by @FreeCandyflower


#GoldenPothos hi guys so my plant is lwk sick and idk what to do abt it (shriveled up leaves) help appreciated lol
13ft to light, direct
8” pot without drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
I think this is actually sunburn. Golden pothos prefer bright, indirect light, so the window you have is not very good. You can move it back from the light to where it doesn't get 3-6 hours of direct light.
@FreeCandyflower I agree with @Catplantaddict that is definitely caused by direct sunlight hitting the leaves. Get down on the plants level if the plant is able to see the sun at any point during the day move it back a little bit. Also, your plant info says that it is in a pot without drainage. Pothos need a pot with drainage holes. Too much water will cause the leaves to yellow and fall off and then root rot. That's pretty much it! Make those changes and Daphne will be on the road to recovery! 😊πŸͺ΄
Like the others have mentioned, your Golden Pothos is sunburned from excess direct sunlight. I’d move it out of direct sunlight especially because your plant card says it’s near a south facing window which provides the harshest midday sunlight. Golden Pothos can tolerate morning sun, but midday sun will definitely burn its leaves. I hope this helps.
yes, i agree with it being a bit sunburnt. i had this exact issue with my marble queen pothos - simply move it a bit further away from direct light