
Posted 2w ago by @Maya.plants

Droopy Autograph Tree


Beginner here! πŸ‘‹πŸ½πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

I got my Clusia one month ago and now it’s starting to get droopy, it is still developing new leaves, however it looks very sad, I looked at its roots and some were light and others were browner, however it did not smell bad. When I put it back together, it dropped a leaf πŸ₯Ί

I live in Northern Europe and this season is very dark, therefore it could be the light. I have also had to move it from room to room in order to give it enough light, is that bad?

Thank you so much for your help!❀️
#beginnerplantparent #HappyPlants #droopyleaf #AutographTree #clusiarosea
Last watered 3 weeks ago
If it’s very cold where you are it could be the temperature. Minimum 12 degrees Celsius. If it’s very dry as well increase your humidity levels by misting the plant leaves every now and then. Light is definitely a great solution and moving your plants around as well as turning them every now and then is great to ensure you find the right spot and get even growth.
Hi Maya!
I would suggest to not move any plant around, except for watering or to be treated. They like to remain in one spot and only be turned when needed so that light reaches all areas of the plant, eventually.
So, getting grow lights would be a must, or just one if you need. It's recommended to keep them on 12 hours and off 12 hours so the plant can rest. Mine begin at 7 am and end at 7 pm, using an automatic timer.
Also, a good humidifier is recommended instead of misting...which can cause fungal and other diseases because the topsoil is continuously moist.
Try to clean your humidifier once a week with white distilled vinegar and water.
Distilled water is best for watering with a little liquid organic fertilizer added, unless you have pure water. Good pot drainage is also a must.
No worries πŸ™‚. With these changes, hopefully your sweet plant should perk up! Wishing you the best βœ¨πŸ‘