
Posted 1M ago by @SolidFigopuntia

What could be wrong with my Dracaena?


It all started with browning tips, later on it progressed to the edges of the leaves. Now leaves break. I thought I might have been underwatering her so last time I did not wait for the whole pot to dry out but just about halfway down but it doesn't seem to solve anything.

roots seem fine to me, they are orange but I don't see or smell rot so I guess it's not due to overwatering.

I read it can be caused by: minerals in water, underwatering, overwatering (because its obvious that plants have the same symptoms for lack and to much of water xD) and low humidity.

I can't really check humidity in my house yet, I filtered water for the last watering as well.

The soil is mix of succulents soil with perlite.

Any ideas how to check and solve the issue?

It is placed around 1.5m from a north-west window (but doesn't really get that much direct light because of huge trees right behind the window). I would say 2h of direct sun is top she gets and thats not at the window so I thought it shouldnt be caused by sun... What I noticed is that epipremnum in the same room, but on a shelf without direct sun at all and around 3m from a window also starts to get brown tips and leaves breaks.

Photos were not taken at her spot, I moved it for a second to get the best light for showcase purpose.
2ft to light, direct
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
It might be overwatering, your soil looks very wet. These don’t need to be watered that often, maybe once every two to three weeks and let the water drain well before putting it back in its cache pot.
@Momof83ans it indeed is wet cause I watered it just 2 days ago. Before it the soil was dry halfway down the pot and moisturemeter showed 2-3. The brown tips and edges started way before when I was letting it dry out all the way down - that pushed to water it faster the last time but it doesn't look like it helped :| also if I was overwatering shouldnt the roots start rotting? I am confused πŸ₯²
@SolidFigopuntia does the soil smell? That’s a sure sign of root rot, it smells terrible. You can try repotting it to a more cactus like mix and see if that helps. You can also dust the leaves, or clean them with a damp cloth and a water and soap mix to get rid of any possible pests.
@Momof83ans No the soil smell is neutral, like regular soil, no rot smell. I think it is in the succulents/cacti soil but I now start to doubt my memory... πŸ˜… I might try repotting it maybe into my own mix, not the premixed one and add even more perlite or this tiny popcorn like stones. But the epipremnum I mentioned is in correct soil and symptoms are similar :/
@SolidFigopuntia it looks pretty compact but that could be because you just watered. Do you want to let it dry out and see how it looks? It could be hydrophobic and need a refresh too. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ
It looks root bound. Try a repot.
@SolidFigopuntia Dracaena don’t like to have any sunlight on their leaves, so you may help this situation by making sure it doesn’t touch them.