
Posted 3M ago by @Chevysgirl11


Is one side died off ? The pic that looks like a stick insect perched on edge? I've moved her onto a shelf near the peace lily with grow light Will that benefit at all or am I just crazy thinking that way πŸ€”Thanks in advance I think I fried her being too near the window
16ft to light, indirect
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 6 days ago
Best Answer
The third picture, the leaves look a little shriveled, not looking so good. being with the peace lily and the grow light will probably do her good. The Hoyas don’t like a lot of change suddenly so it may set her back a little bit between too much sun and being moved, but hang in there. Just watch the water, too much at this stage she may not be able to process. But too little and she may struggle. One of my Hoyas arrived from the grower in bad shape. I thought she was a goner but it looks like she will pull through.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
I’m not an expert but I believe with younger plants, it’s good to keep them in a place where they get indirect sunlight. I bought some baby palm seedlings and didn’t know to keep them under the shade of other plants so they were in direct sunlight and died.. I have one or two still alive but burned tips on their fronds.. hoping they will continue to grow.. the base of the fronds are green but I haven’t noticed much growth 😭
Yeah I think I've made a mistake having her in the full window she's only delicate I bought her off a seller on eBay she was healthy when I got her Sorry to hear about your plants too
@MariansOasis Thank you very much for that advice I hope she will perk up I hear they don't like too much water I have her in orchid bark I hope she gets stronger and happier πŸ’š
Linearis is a little more thirsty than other hoyas, so it’s reccomend not leaving it dry for long periods, especially more babying till it is established. This one for me does also get some dry ends if the light torches it.

If you want to give it a boost to get going faster I’d recommend trying to keep it in a higher humidity place, that can help it get more established and have some active growth points.
Thank you so much I'll do that it she looks so delicate I hope I can grow her nice and strong πŸ’š