
Posted 1Y ago by @ManyLime

Philodendron 'Choco Empress'?

@RJG sorry to bother you but can I get this added to the catalog? No rush since I know it's the weekend. I tried the help and support link and it's giving me something saying it's not working. Pic of plant and broken link here! THANKS and HIIIIIII!!! #nycgreggang #plantaddict #plantlover #plantsmakepeoplehappy #philolover #philodendrenChocoEmpress
Best Answer
@WickedLush on your oasis page when you edit the plant details! Just search for something then the add your plant button in purple at the top. Sometimes it struggles though. πŸ˜…
I added it in !

You can get to the menu to add it if you just add it under a different name. When you edit it in your oasis the plant encyclopedia adder works there.
Wait!!! What??? @Alinaa I haven't figured out how to do that. I think I only have one left that I couldn't find in the catalog. I added her as an Alocasia Zebrina but it does not let me edit it to Alocasia Zebrina Reticulata. All it does is search for it and then none of the options to pick from are that 🀷🏼 Tell me your secrets Alina!!!!
Hmmm... that might be an iPhone thing lol. But I'll try it next time.
Thanks soooo much for your help @Alinaa πŸ’šπŸ’š
@ManyLime ack that’s annoying, I wish some of the features were more standard between the apps.

Anyways feel free to tag in the future if you want me to try adding !
Hey Jennifer! Glad you got this figured out but emailing support is the best way to get species added in the future !