
Posted 1w ago by @TastefulTreeivy

My Peace lily plant hasnโ€™t flowered for over a year. Any ...

1ft to light, direct
Last watered 1 week ago
Have you repotted in the course of that year? Peace lilies bloom more often when rootbound. Are you fertilising? Try to fertilise every or every other watering for liquid ferts, or according to manufacturer's instructions. Note that nurseries use gibberellic acid to encourage more flowers, but can occasionally cause mutations in the blooms
I'm sorry your plant hasn't flowered in a while, Kate. I know it can be frustrating.

Can you post a picture of your whole plant? Maybe from the picture we can help you find out how you can tweak its care.
@Araceae is spot on about the plant being root bound- peace lilies love to be tight in their pots.

I'm glad you found Greg!