
Posted 3w ago by @LilRootedWitch

Ok plant family... I need your help!! (Monstera deliciosa...

This beautiful baby is my new rescue, but she needs a lot of TLC! πŸ₯Ή She's not my first Monstera, but it is my first deliciosa, so I'm a bit intimidated by her condition and size 😬

Quite a few of her leaves are slightly yellow, so I'm assuming it was from either lack of water or nutrients... both?? Maybe? πŸ€”

I transplanted it out of its way-too-tiny pot after giving it a few days to acclimate to my house. She has a humidifier and grow lights 🌬🌞

Now my big question is really how do I go about pruning off these yellow leaves? Some of them have new growth coming out half way down the stem (I attached photos of this 😊) I'm not sure if I cut right above the new shoots or do I wait till the new ones fully come out before clipping so I can get down farther.
How much should I be pruning so I don't send her into shock!!? 🫠

Any information and tips you have on these big beauties is much appreciated 😊β™₯️πŸͺ΄

Edit to add my current set up...

Current setup:
1- 3 head tripod grow light
2- hanging tube grow lights
Humidity at 68-72%
Soil- coconut coir, potting soil, perlite, bark & some charcoal
#plantlove #newgrowth #happyplants #plantaddict #plantsmakepeoplehappy
Best Answer
@LilRootedWitch she’s gorgeous! I would just remove the leaf tip but don’t cut more than halfway down the stem and avoid cutting down near the near growth. You may also consider a moss pole or trellis to train the leaves. I have one of mine tied to a trellis so all my leaves the go in same direction. I keep this one in a south facing window by the humidifier and I also subsidize light with a grow light. I would remove only the fully yellow leaves to avoid any shock. Leave the ones that have a few yellow spots on it for now and just remove once all the green fades from the leaf.
She looks overwatered. Please make sure its soil is never completely always wet. The quick fix to this is to repot her in fresh dry soil and refrain from watering. You can’t fix the damage to the leaves but you can keep the plant from absorbing more water by transferring it to dry soil. Also, keep it away from drafts and make sure it’s getting enough light. The ring light you have above it isn’t enough. You need several more or a light stand that has 4 or 5 heads to help it get enough light at this time of year.
@LilRootedWitch just to be safe she’s so beautiful and large!!! Have you checked the roots?? Roo rot is soo common with these ones!
Yep roots are good she was actually crazy dry when I reported her. The soil just crumbled to dust when I pulled her out. So I know I'm at least good with that. I don't think she's been repotted in a very long time.
@Shells_Garden Oh my!! Your entire room is incredible. Everything looks so healthy and happy 😍 Thanks so much for the information, I'm hoping with some time shes going to pick back up and be great again 😊
@LilRootedWitch haha! That was only one corner of the room! Here is the entire plant atrium/nursery right now!
@Shells_Garden 😲😲 amazing!! I can't wait to have that many someday.
@LilRootedWitch thank you! It’s a blessing and a curse to have so many sometimes but I love it! Hubby doesn’t but he stopped complaining because he knows I won’t stop! my dream is to open a small nursery or plant shop when I retire so I’m building up my stock! πŸ˜‰
Your setup is amazing! Thank you for sharing. As long as you have aerials and new growth, your monstera should recover. Sounds like she was on the struggle bus due to some neglect. Since she has new soil she should be ok with nutrients. Lots of bright indirect light makes my girls happy! I’m still experimenting with a grow light, since root rot is no joke. My go to for monstera advice is the YouTuber @killthisplant. He makes it look easy!