
Posted 3M ago by @LaSiguanaba

What’s going on with my heart fern?

My heart fern has developed these weird brown patches all over in the last few weeks. I don’t see any signs of pests, so I’m not sure what’s causing it. Does ayone have any ideas of what this is, or suggestions for what I can do to help the plant? Thanks! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantCorner #PlantProblems #brownspots #brownleaves #theamigos #HeartFern #Diseases #LaSiguanaba #theamigos
10ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
Best Answer
These are impossible to keep alive outside of a terrarium! If you stick it in a mason jar or anything covered it will be fine. They are a very HIGH humidity plant. You can even take a clear transparent plastic cup and cover it, or a ziplock bag. It will bounce back nicely when you provide the humidity it needs.
I have one of those to. I got it about 2 months ago. After 2 weeks it was dlung that. After 4 weeks it was almost dead with no leaves. Im still nursing the rhizomes and its starting to come back very very slowly. But after talking with the lady at the greenhouse i believe i was giving it tomuch light and keeping it to wet.
Also i kill ferns like mosquitoes 😂 so i usually dont but em. But that pne was really cool so i thought id try. Lesson learned I guess
@TheConservator Thanks for the info Sonny! Now that you mention it, I did move this fern to a brighter location several weeks ago, so maybe that’s the reason. I moved it back to where it had been, and am hoping it will improve.
Also, the light is not the problem…It will take a bit of time but after covering it the new growth will be green and healthy. Go ahead and cut off the brown leaves. Only leave the healthy ones so it doesn’t waste energy on the old leaves and puts its energy into its new healthy growth. I have 4 of them now after moving it to a terrarium it was great and now sprouts pups that I put in other terrariums.
@SuperbRaspfern Hi Shannon. Thank you so much for your great response! I hadn’t event considered that lack of humidity could be the cause. That makes a lot of sense considering this happened during our dry summer. I’m going to see what I can do to increase humidity levels.
@LaSiguanaba Sounds great 👍🏻, you’ll find it makes a world of difference for them ❤️