
Posted 2M ago by @BentonBegonia

Not doing so well, had it for 20 plus years. Was doing gr...

6ft to light, indirect
14” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
@BentonBegonia do you know what may have changed?
poor baby! is it time for a bigger pot?
@Momof83ans no, I’ve always put it on my covered porch for the summer and watered once a week. It was growing like crazy and then poof.
@ehery it’s in a 14 inch pot. But it has been in that pot for several years
i am new to the false christmas cactus myself. but i put some sections in water to prop and their roots are growing! maybe guarantee baby lives on by propping some new plants? hope you solve whatever is bothering baby!
@BentonBegonia maybe have a look at baby's roots. if she is root bound a bigger pot and fresh soil will help
@BentonBegonia agree with @ehery maybe time for a bigger pot. Did you check for pests, or hydrophobic soil. That’s all I can think of.
@ehery I’ve been thinking that. She has one section of new growth that is doing well. Just not the rest of her. If worse comes to worse I will safe the section that is doing well.
@Momof83ans no pests. What’s hydrophobic soil?
hydrophobic soil happens when soil is old compacted and instead of water penetraring and hydrating the soil it just runs directly out through the same tracks each time. also resolved by loosening roots and changing soil
@ehery @BentonBegonia this might explain why you have one section that looks good and others not so much.
My mom has a large outdoor one that was looking sad. I thinned it out and somehow, it's perking up again. I wondered if it got so thick, the lower fronds weren't getting enough light or something, but idk for sure. I also got the cuttings, so either way, win-win ðŸĨ°
@ehery that might be it then.
@SteffyHazPlants I was thinking about trimming it back too,