What exactly is she??
I've had this plant for a long while now..I'm not even positive where I got it... maybe a clipping?
Anyway I was updating my plants pics and realized she is simply listed as a lipstick plant... but I have no clue what type! Anyone have any idea what this pretty girl is? She has grown leaps and bounds since I got her, I would love to know what she is exactly!
Hopefully these pics help.. I tried Google lens but it wasn't very helpful. #nycgreggang #plantaddict #plantlover #plantsmakepeoplehappy
Anyway I was updating my plants pics and realized she is simply listed as a lipstick plant... but I have no clue what type! Anyone have any idea what this pretty girl is? She has grown leaps and bounds since I got her, I would love to know what she is exactly!
Hopefully these pics help.. I tried Google lens but it wasn't very helpful. #nycgreggang #plantaddict #plantlover #plantsmakepeoplehappy
5ft to light, indirect
4β pot with drainage
Last watered 9 months ago