
Posted 1M ago by @whatamidoing

Does anyone know how to prop baby rubber plant leaves??

I wanted to repot Pepper today and I accidentally dropped her 😭 does anyone know if these leaves are okay to prop and how to successfully do so? I'm already trying with a couple but so far it isn't looking great
#babyrubberplant #repotoclock #propagation #dropnprop #help
2ft to light, direct
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 weeks ago
Ahhh! Hate when that happens 🫠 You can try propagating from the leaves but putting it in water. Looks like most successful propagations cut healthy leaves still attached to the stem with the node included. The 3rd one over in your last pic would probably be the best one to try!
Samee it was so painful to see πŸ₯² I'll try putting them in water then, hopefully it'll do something haha, tysm for the answer!!
@whatamidoing I’m sorry I don’t have a rubber plant
It's okay, dw, no need to apologize ☺
@whatamidoing No problem! Good luck ☺️