Accidental Monstera
This was labeled a philodendron at Friedmans so I was confident I could keep it alive, but come to realize I accidentally landed a monstera! What should I expect in terms of growth rate, care, and issues? I'm wondering if i put it in too small of a pot but Cheddar Bob needed a yellow pot, and this was the only one I have. So please hand over all your tips and tricks so I can have the happiest lil cheese possible.
3ft to light, indirect
5โ pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Best Answer
@SavvyOleander I personally think monsteras are pretty laid back! This is a fairly fast growing plant you can choose to let it climb a pole or trail over the sides of the pot! They like to have the first couple inches of soil dry out between watering and they appreciate bright indirect light! It looks like you're doing perfectly fine so far!
@PleaseLeaf thank you!! Hopefully he adapts and enjoys it here, I want him to be a big boy eventually.