
Posted 2w ago by @UnruffledOkra

What does this leaf mean?😒

#HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantAddict #NewGrowth
2ft to light, direct
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 months ago
Best Answer
This leaf likely indicates a problem with light exposure. The yellowing combined with the scorched appearance suggests that the plant might be getting too much direct sunlight. Even though it's placed two feet from the light, some plants, like prayer plants, can be sensitive to strong light and may prefer more indirect or diffused light. Try moving it to a spot with filtered light and avoid placing it near windows where direct sunlight could hit it. Also, monitor the plant’s watering schedule, as irregular watering can contribute to leaf yellowing too.
It looks scorched. I see it says it’s 2ft to direct light, but did you have it on a windowsill or outside recently?
@WonderWoman13 Yes!! Is that bad?πŸ˜…
Do you mist the leaves?