
Posted 1M ago by @TycoonCorncob

#swisscheesevine Should I cut this leaf off? Is it the on...

0ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 5 days ago
Best Answer
You can. It looks like the rest of the plant is super healthy, and it’s a bottom leaf. It might have been damaged by moving it at some point, but if you don’t want to lose the entire leaf, you can just cut the brown off with sterilized scissors.
@ArdentNeontetra, this plant has been growing like a weed in the little time I've had it!
@TycoonCorncob it’s a great looking plant! Good work!
@TycoonCorncob I vote, yes. It detracts from the overall beauty of the gorgeous plant.
@Arid_oasis I cut it off cause you are righ