
Posted 1M ago by @BabyOricad

Help brown crispy tips on my plant. It's time to water.....

Last watered 1 month ago
She’s adorable! But I see what you mean. Alocasia are so finicky. Sometimes they’ll get worse before they get better. I see you repotted about a month ago. They are such sensitive plants this could be a sign of shock (it will get better) and it appears Greg says water every 10 days. I love the Greg app and it’s been SO helpful for me. But I’ve noticed that sometimes you have to snooze or water more often than Greg suggests (Greg will learn when you do this). Try checking on willow once every 5 days. Stick a pencil or tooth pick in her soil about 2 inches in. Once the stick comes out clean or with dry dirt on the very end give it 1 or 2 more days then water and see if she improves. Plants are so trial and error it’s hard. Just make sure she’s got humidity, good light and drainage. Harli G on YouTube makes great content on alocasia. The last thing I’d recommend is when you do repot make your own soil mix. Not only will your $$ go further but it’ll improve air flow and won’t break down as fast. Try your soil mixed 50% soil, 30% perlite and 20% fine orchid bark.