
Posted 1M ago by @HumBug

New leaf coming out damaged?

The new leaf on my monstera is coming out slightly damaged, I don’t know what I did wrong, any ideas?
7ft to light, direct
10” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 weeks ago
Have you checked for any pests?

I have two monsteras. One behaved like this for a month. (New growth came out damaged). Ended up being spider mites. Treated with neem oil for a week, and cut off the affected leaves. Problem solved.
@DearPaperwhite yes checked for pests and have yet to find anything, I’m wondering if it was caused by stress? Recently repotted her
@HumBug - if no pests then id say, stress from repotting, or soil not draining well!

My monsteras love good direct light throughout the morning, so make sure it gets the sun it needs too!
@DearPaperwhite been away from home for a few days, it’s finally starting to come out and the damage doesn’t seem to me as bad as I thought! Giving it lots of light and nutrients 🌱