
Posted 1M ago by @CoolBluejackoak

Why does my monstera have yellow leaves :(

10ft to light, direct
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
Btw the last watered is incorrect i water around every 2 weeks, last watered yesterday.
Emma, I feel this question in my soul! I'm glad you found Greg. (:

In my opinion, there's a fine line with the soil and the sunlight. The soil needs to be well-draining and chunky so there's not too much water and the soil can drain well (no standing water at the bottom of the pot).

I discovered that if a adansonii gets TOO much light, it'll cause yellow leaves also. It will also yellow if it's not getting enough light. Ten feet from a window isn't a lot of light in most cases.

BUT loosing a bottom leaf is way better than loosing another leaf. You can pinch that one off and cut your losses.
Thank you! It is quite far from the window but it does get direct lighting, I will move it a little closer and see how it does :)
Nutrients or over watering likely. These look a bit tall for a 2 inch pot. Try a 3 or 4 inch