
Posted 1M ago by @LivingStones

I don’t do well with this prayer plant πŸ€ͺ Advice please πŸ™

10ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Certainly not an authority on them, but here's what works for me. High humidity if possible. It loves it. Distilled water. if you want it to bloom high light, but indirect to not burn it. If you're fine with no blooms, they can live with very little light. Fertilize very sparingly (I use orchid fertilizer or diluted fertilizer on mine, every other week, if I think of it or if its leaves seem a bit lighter
I got mine almost dead on a clearance rack and was amazed it survived. I have it under a west facing skylight where it is very bright, but no direct sunlight. It has tons of new growth, which is kind of pale green. I read that the new leaves do not have the vibrant colors of the mature leaves. So hopefully it will develop more color over time. I don’t use distilled water, but I do let the water sit in the can for a day or two before I water it.
Try misting every other day or three. I've recently started this with all my tropicals and they are absolutely THRIVING!
My Prayer Plant is precious to me because someone I cared about gave her to me. They need low to medium light and just a little water each week. It wasn't doing well recently so moved her closer to a south facing window and started misting. She's doing better now.
I got this one from Walmart. It's GREAT! It continuously mists after you stop pumping it. Great if you have a lot of plants. Also, if you're using tap water. Fill your jug or mister and let the water sit for 24 hours. The chlorine and other chemicals dissipate and it's safer for your plants.
Sorry, forgot the pic.
Thank you πŸ™
Yes I will look into buying one. Thank you πŸ™