The two leaves on my elephant plant that I just posted ar...

2ft to light, indirect

4â pot with drainage

Last watered 1 week ago
I'm not sure it's the light @GoodTunicflower I have 2 and mine are under the light for 12 hours a day. I haven't seen another post, sorry. Could you possibly provide a current picture?
Itâs possible it is not getting watered enough. When mine have shriveled/wilted leaves that have dropped in the past, it was typically either not enough light or under watering. Youâre right that the soil should be dry but gently increasing the frequency between could benefit the plant as long as the top 2â is dry and you have well draining soil. Good luck :)
@Sos this is my first plant- what do healthy roots look like?
@GoodTunicflower Healthy roots should be white and on the thicker side. If they are brown, mushy, papery feeling, or have a bad smell coming from them then you have root rot and you should cut off anything brown until you see white and spray with 3% hydrogen peroxide, repot in new soil, and slow down on watering and only bottom water to stimulate root growth downward