
Posted 1M ago by @SmartMarimo50

Leaves are getting brown. It flowered all summer now seem...

3ft to light, indirect
6โ€ pot without drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
@SmartMarimo50 you card indicated no drainage, if that is the case, the yellowing leaves are likely from overwatering and the roots sitting in soggy soil. I killed my first anthurium that way. I would remove it from the pot and check the roots. They should be white and firm. If they are brown, mushy and foul smelling, they are infected and need to be treated/removed before placing your plant in new soil in a well draining pot. Additionally I would remove the browning or dead leaves. A hydrogen peroxide root soak consists of Unpot and remove the substrate. Cut off any dead or dying roots. Soak the remaining roots in 2 tbsp (30ml) hydrogen peroxide 3% mixed with 1 litre water for 6 hours. Replant into sterile potting mix and a clean pot. You can use hydrogen peroxide to sterilise the new soil and pot if needed