
Posted 2Y ago by @miss_nagatoro

My plant is dying and I don’t know what’s wrong

My plant pete has been dying and I don’t know what’s wrong. So it first started when his soil was wet for a very long time and when it first in a long time turned dry only in the middle though, I took this opportunity to water him because I was concerned. Then after this his soil was just wet for so long and today I watered him knowing yes that his soil still looked wet. And I come back from school and his leaves are falling off more and I don’t know what to do. I’m scared, I don’t want him to die. Please help! The pictures are from today. BTW, the first picture is only the middle part of him, the top part has a couple of leaves and his pea. And stem is still strong.
0ft to light, direct
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 years ago
2Y ago
is there enough drainage in Pete’s pot? if the soil is staying visibility wet for a long time (presumably days??) then you need to check that first. it’s hard to see but the leaves don’t look dry so I don’t think they’ve fallen due to lack of water (likely the opposite). also maybe see if you can get some more sun for Pete. those blinds might be doing too good a job and combined with the extra water Pete might overwhelmed. I’ve been absent for my plants for a while but trying to correct course so I feel your pain. good luck and let us know how it goes with Pete!
@jr Thank you! Yeah, I checked the drainage it seemed to be a really hard piece of soil blocking it. Do I just leave him how he is for a while afterwards?
2Y ago
@miss_nagatoro yeah for sure let him chill for a few days, ideally until the soil is dry. a strong stem + some healthy leaves is a good sign so avoid any urge to overcorrect and soon enough he’ll be back to being happy
@jr unfortunately pete had fungus. i’ve isolated him in water and he’s went into shock but he still looks alive. distraught but hopefully..
2Y ago
we’ll that’s a bummer to hear. hopefully you caught it in time and he can make it through ok