
Posted 2Y ago by @hoyahead

Hey #OrchidLovers, how often do you water your slipper or...

My #PaphiopedilumOrchid has been looking a bit worse for the wear recently. I noticed that one of her leaves has a split in it, and other have yellowed. I’m suspecting a watering issue. Has anyone else ever had symptoms like this with their slipper orchids?
8ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 years ago
Best Answer
I water mine around once a week but he is in a very coarse bark so I don't have to worry about the roots getting waterlogged. Splits and yellowing can be normal but if you are concerned I would do a root check and make sure you don't have rot.
You have it listed as being near an A.C. unit so it may be getting too much temperature fluctuation and/or low ambient humidity.
@tattedscientist that’s a good idea, thanks. Ambient humidity stays around 54%. Will have to check the roots and see what’s going on!