
Posted 1M ago by @ChelleMiCorGenX

I love Nithin. He is about four to six years old. Look at...

#Euphorbia #AfricanMilkTree #AfricanMilkBush
2ft to light, indirect
7” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
@ChelleMiCorGenX Welcome to Greg! You've done a fantastic job with Nithin, and he is indeed very cool! 😎
Thank you
What silly guy! Look at his little silly lookin baby trees. Thank you for making us chuckle today
I love him too! So tall, green and handsome. πŸ’š
I have had mine for at least three years and it just will not grow. Do you have any tricks?
@MerryHairygrama he’s never been in direct sunlight, always been several feet from a window in a bright room. He’s lived in central coast Cali until recently and was always on a three week watering schedule. It’s just always been happy. Gregg app says he wants more light and it is elongated from reaching for light… I love him