
Posted 1M ago by @user5877e84a

How often should I size up my pot? And how much bigger ea...

2ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
@user5877e84a hi! Karli. That’s a beautiful umbrella tree shefflera. It looks to be in a good sized pot now. Usually you can wait 1-2 years between repotting, maybe longer if there is slow growth. If it is outside or getting a lot of light and growing really fast maybe every year. You can check the bottom of the pot for roots growing out of the drainage holes. That is one sign that you are getting close to needing a bigger pot. Also, if you water and the water runs right through and the plant dries out really fast and needs water more frequently than usual that is a sign that there is not much dirt left and it’s completely root bound. For the most part, it’s better to let (most) plants be a little root bound, rather than be in a pot that’s too big. When the pot is way too big the roots can stay wet too long and get root rot.
Hi Karli, welcome to Greg!
@nellz4estfairyz is giving you all the correct advice here!

As far as how much bigger each time, the rule of thumb is 1-2" bigger. Sometimes you don't have a choice because it got so root bound and you need to go even bigger, or maybe you don't have space and want to trim the roots and keep it in the same size instead.

Generally you want to disturb the roots as little as possible so pick it up out of one pot and plop it into a slightly bigger one, add soil and you're done!