
Posted 1M ago by @TheOddAsity

Monstera Amateur (at best) needs advice

I have my monstera that has grown steadily over the last 18 months. He was a wee baby when I got him. No fenestrations as of yet.

He has a pole with the coir loosened up. I now have him under 3- T5 one foot Barrina grow lights (linear line) for the last 3 or so months and that’s when i noticed one of the aerial roots started. I haven’t had a new leaf in months. I was looking and turned the plant around and saw two really big aerial roots. They’re obviously not grabbing onto the pole (don’t come for me about a moss vs coir pole. I’m not there yet. They’re gross to me πŸ˜‚)

Thoughts? What more do I need to do?

#HappyPlants roots">#Aerialroots #MonsteraMob #Monstera #PLANTMAFIA #PlantAddict #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantTherapy #PlantLove
4ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 day ago
@SuperbRaspfern ok, I saw your comment on @teacher12 β€˜s post yesterday (I just saw I missed a lot of comments. Will hope to jump on soon). I agree in nature they use their aerial roots to climb and grow. But… and bear with me here… those aerial roots would actually be taking in moisture? Like do I maybe need to think about β€œsupplemental aerial root” watering?
@elisenavidad hey love, need your help please?!?
Hey! Sorry for the late response! I’m wondering when it was fertilized last? & I also think it might need to be a bit closer to the grow light!
@elisenavidad ok, I can do that in the grow light… I do 1/4 strength fertilizer in my water since I use coco husk which doesn’t have nutrients.
@TheOddAsity I think that would help! Last summer the monstera on my front porch got about an hour or so of direct light in the evening and really flourished from there… that kinda gave me a better idea how much light they want / can tolerate! It makes all the difference!

& honestly, it might be worth a shot to give your monstera a bit stronger of fertilizer next time? What are your thoughts?
@elisenavidad it wouldn’t hurt!! And I can do that, it’s no biggie at all.
If I may add, your T5 lights may not be sufficient - you won’t know unless you measure using a light meter - I bought one from but you can buy less expensive ones from Amazon. I use this as a guide when setting up my grow lights: you maybe need to set up your T5 so they are all parallel to each other above the plant rather than in a line across if that makes sense. I would probably try that while waiting for the light meter to be delivered :)
I have barriba 3 ft lights. Heres the diagram they gave you with the light and its also on the description on amazon
Maybe try that
Youll need a hps to be that far away
Or a weed growing led of prob 150-200 w
@TheOddAsity They do just fine with no watering of the Ariel roots. Mine are grown from seed started 6 months ago and they have their first festrations. Coir pole moss pole the are all suitable. I actually have mine on coir too. The main thing for fenstrations is light. It can take up to 2 years.

Light WILL be the biggest factor,

The reason they get fenstrations in nature is:

1. To allow light to penetrate those big leaves to allow light to access the bottom leaves.

2. To allow rain and water to drain off and not pool on the large leaves.

Plants are smart! If the leaves aren’t large enough then they will not fenstrate, because they want to absorb all the light they can for growth.

That is why some people have a large monstera they buy with large wonderful fenstrations. They get it home put it in a room without adequate light and their next leaves formed in their home will have less fenstrations or worse yet, none! The plant will make a solid leaf to access more light.

The Ariel roots absorb water naturally through the air. Nothing special is needed they get all they need in their own!

I fertilize mine with Super Thrive Foilage Pro half strength every time I water. I allow the pat to be nearly dry before watering but never completely dry. Some I have under grow light about 6 inches above the top leaf other in windows with filtered light.

So the key ingredient is light πŸ’‘. Once you fine tune it, you will also get fenstrations!
Looking at your photo it need to be moved much closer to the light you should be fine with the Barrina, but 6 inches away!
@WelsomeRhodotus I have a light meter and it says it’s bright enough. I can lift it higher. I am looking into a riser to put on since it has four legs vs a flat bottom. Thanks!
@TheConservator yeah, I’m not willing to put a T8 6000k light in. I would rather move the plant. I can’t do cool white light. Makes me wanna crawl out of my skin πŸ˜‚. So I’ll have to be ok with slow growth or move it. I did do a deep soak like @elisenavidad recommended and he perked up. I’ll move it closer to the light and give it some time and re-evaluate. Thanks!
@TheOddAsity good move! Love it! Best of luck with your baby! 🌿🌿
@TheOddAsity totally understandable. It can be bright in a room and im no huge fan of cool light either.
Always went watm white on the old school incandescent bulbs
@TheOddAsity but you really cam get alot closer with your barrinas. Here are mine at various heights . And the last really needs taller plants or to move down
Obviuodly im still working on that shelf. Its kinda doubles as my cp staging area